Bass Fishing – Everything You Need to Know

Bass Fishing Complete Guide

The Bass is arguably the most popular species in sport fishing in North America. In the United States alone you can find them in every state and their abundance to inhabit most bodies of water means they are accessible to nearly everyone. Let’s dive into the bass fishing world, and take a deeper look at […]

A Guide to Chatterbait Fishing

Chatterbait Fishing

As technology has evolved over time, there have been tons of upgrades to the tackle industry. One of which is the Chatterbait. As time moves on, people need new, productive ways to catch fish. This is how the Chatterbait was born.  A Chatterbait is a bladed jig that takes the classic swim jig up a […]

The Baitcaster Reel 101 – 3 Best Baitcasting Reels

Baitcasting Reel

As technology in the fishing industry evolved over time, many new products took the market by storm. One of the biggest of which is the baitcaster reel. A baitcasting reel elevates both freshwater and saltwater fishing efforts in a way that the founding fathers of fishing could have never imagined. Today, we will be breaking down […]

Top Fishing Rod Holders – Boat, Bank & Beach

Top Fishing Rod Holders

Any fishing trip is not complete without coming fully prepared, and forgetting even one thing can lead to having less fun. One of these things is a simple fishing pole holder. When fishing from the bank, beach, or dock, a pole holder can be a lifesaver. You can either hold your fishing pole all day […]

The Best Fish Finder – For Any Budget


Fish finders have become extremely advanced in recent years. They allow anglers to find fish and observe underwater environments easier than ever before. Decades ago, fishfinder units were simple, using a spinning light to show depth and fish readings by sonar. Some even scratched out the image on a scrolling piece of paper, like a […]

The Best Fishing Shoes

Best Fishing Shoes

Anglers will spend untold amounts of money on their gear every single year. Think about what you have spent on everything that you need like rods, hooks, bait, lures, line, and everything else. What most fishermen don’t realize, however, is just how important things like hats, shirts, pants, and shoes are to a successful fishing […]

How to Fish a Crankbait – Gears, Knots and Depth

large mouth bass caught from crankbait fishing

Crankbait fishing is a very effective way to catch fish ranging from a wide variety of species, and crankbaits themselves come in many different styles, actions, and sizes, with some being created for a specific niche technique. Let’s take a look at an overview of how to fish a crankbait and crankbait fishing as a […]

Best Lanterns and Lights for Night Fishing

Best Lights for Night Fishing

Some of the best fishing is found at night when the fish are much more active. There is a lot of opportunity and excitement that comes with this type of fishing, although it can be a little difficult at times. The unknown of what is out in the dark can be exciting and add a […]

Best Fishing Gloves for All Conditions

fishing gloves

Many anglers all over the world use many different pieces of gear in order to help them catch fish. One of these things is a solid pair of gloves. Why wear fishing gloves? They can provide some protection against the elements like the wind and cold, allowing you to fish more comfortably. They can also […]

Top Inflatable Fishing Boats

inflatable boat for fishing

If there is one thing that helps an angler find and fish new areas on the water, it is a small boat. But boats can be expensive, large, and hard to maneuver. Luckily the rise of inflatable fishing boats is helping to solve these issues. These small boats are very lightweight, easy to get around […]