How To Tie A Fishing Knot – The Best Fishing Knots

fishing knots

A new angler will want to get out on the water as soon as possible, but they should head out with at least a basic knowledge of some important fishing knots. Different situations call for different fishing knots, fishing hook knots are very different from those needed to tie two lines together. You never know […]

Top Tips for Fishing in the Dark

a man fishing in the dark

Fishing is a complicated pastime. No matter what species of fish that you are after, you must figure out what they are wanting to eat or attack, where they like to hide, and what their general habits are. One of the best times to gain the upper hand on finicky fish is at night in […]

The Best Fishing Nets – Land That Trophy Fish!

Man Holding A Fishing Net

In order to land that next trophy fish, you are going to need to have all of the right gear. One of the most important pieces of gear is a quality fishing net. Without a good net, you run the risk of catching a big fish and not being able to land it properly. Who […]

The Best Bobbers for Fishing

Fish Bobber floating on waters

When it comes to fishing gear, nothing is quite as popular or as iconic as the bobber. Using a simple bobber to suspend your lure or bait at the right depth is not only easy but can be extremely fun and addictive. With the right type of bobber, just about any fish can be caught […]

Essential Ice Fishing Gear – A Checklist of Ice Fishing Must Haves

Ice Fishing

Ice fishing continues to grow in popularity each and every year, and for good reason. It can be a very rewarding pastime, but it can also be extremely cold to be out on the ice if you are not properly prepared. In order to not only catch fish, but you must also bring the proper […]

Best Fishing Hats to Protect Your Head and Stay Stylish

Fishing hat

One of the best parts about fishing is the ability to connect to nature, enjoy everything the outdoors offers, and having the chance to do it while enjoying a relaxing hobby. But while it can be a lot of fun, it is also important to remember to take a few simple precautions. One of your […]

10 Must Have Fishing Tackle Items – Most Useful Tools for Fishing

tackle box

Fishing is a very basic sport that allows you to get outside and enjoy nature and the outdoors. But for being so basic and simple, there is quite a lot of necessary gear and accessories that go along with it. So how do you know if you have everything that you need when it comes […]

10 Fishing Gift Ideas Your Fisherman Will Love

Best Fishing Gifts

Looking for a gift for fisherman in your life or maybe for yourself? With the holidays getting closer, we have assembled the perfect guide to help you shop for the person who is always reeling them in. Here are the 10 best fishing gift ideas for both fishing veterans and beginners alike! 1. Garmin Striker […]

Saltwater Fishing Rods and Reels – Waves of Great Picks

saltwater fishing rod and reel

Any fishing trip can be a lot of fun, but there is something special about casting out lures into the ocean, just waiting to see what you catch. Unlike fishing in places like rivers or lakes, the ocean is completely different. There are dozens of species around ever point nad reef, and many of them […]